Wedding 101

5 Ways Pokemon Go Can Actually Help You With Wedding Prep (Not Kidding)

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Can’t get enough Pokemon Go? Good news: You don’t have to choose between Pokemon and wedding planning! We’ve brainstormed a bunch of ways that you can check everything off your pre-wedding checklist and still catch ‘em all. Find your venue and photo spots. Pokestops are set up at scenic locations, historic spots, and other places that could be fabulous wedding venues or great spots to take photos on the big day. Start scoping out spots, Pokeball in hand! Make errands less of a chore. Heading to a last-minute meeting with your planner? Need to run to the caterer to sign a contract? Make the chores more fun by letting yourself do a little Pokemon search in between errands! Get to know the area around your venue. A pro wedding tip: Spend time getting to know your venue’s neighborhood in case you need to make a run to the liquor store or convenience store on the big day. You could just drive around the area…or you could walk around in search of an Eevee! Mix up your workout routine. The same old bridal exercise routine can get old really fast. Instead of your normal neighborhood jog, plan your run around Pokespots, and gyms. Stock up on Pokeballs, throw in a couple burpees or squats, and run to the next stop. Do a favor for your sweetie and build your relationship. Doing small favors is a great way to show your love how much you care—and a great excuse to catch Pokemon. If your S.O. needs to run a quick errand, offer to take care of it (Squirtle can come too). Find more fun wedding advice on Loverly: 8 Ways Watching “Game of Thrones” Is Kind of Like Planning a Wedding 8 Reasons You Absolutely Need a Snapchat Geofilter for Your Wedding  
Kristin Doherty
About The Author
Writer and Content Strategist. 
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